How to recover DWL-8610 from reboot cycle ?
DWL-8610AP ( ---- TFTP Server (
In case your DWL-8610AP is rebooting all the time, please follow the steps to recover a normal activity :
Steps :
- Using a null-modem cable, connect a VT100/ANSI terminal or a workstation to the console (serial) port.
If you attached a PC, Apple, or UNIX workstation, start a terminal-emulation program, such as HyperTerminal or TeraTerm.
- Configure the terminal-emulation program to use the following settings:
•) Baud rate: 115200 bps
•) Data bits: 8
•) Parity: none
•) Stop bit: 1
•) Flow control: none
- Press Ctrl+C during thee DWL-8610AP boot up in order to enter the bootcode CFE boot loader menu.
- Set the IP address of the TFTP server as and launch teh TFTP server. Make sure it allows TFTP clients to reach the needed files.
- The file "rootfs.bin"* is device recover firmware. (Please unzip the attachments file to get this file)
*The rootfs.bin is device FW v.
- Using the below commands, recover the DWL-8610AP firmware.
CFE> flash -erase nflash1.rwfs
CFE> flash -erase nflash1.trx
CFE> flash -erase nflash1.trx2
CFE> ifconfig eth0 -addr=
CFE> ifconfig eth0 -mask=
CFE> flash -noheader nflash1.trx
CFE> flash -noheader nflash1.trx2
CFE> reboot
Troubleshooting :
- Please make sure to install TFTP server software computer the software firewall has been closed. ( firewall / antivirus firewall ...)
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