RangeBooster N 650 Router


  • Dostupnost produktu: End of Life

Technické specifikace produktu

  • IEEE 802.11n (Draft) wireless LAN specification
  • Compatible with 11g and 11b wireless networks
  • 10/100Mbps WAN port
  • Built-in 4-port 10/100Mbps switch
  • USB 2.0 port for Windows Connect Now easy configuration
  • NAT and SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection) firewall with VPN pass-through
  • Content filtering with URL blocking and scheduling
  • Quality of Service (QoS) with StreamEngine
  • Detachable antennae (Reverse SMA-connector, female)
  • D-Link Click'n Connect easy set-up with wizard
  • Web based management
  • 2-year warranty
Tento produkt byl ukončen: 18/12/2012
This product's last date of support is on: 18/12/2014
How to connect to wireless in Windows 8
How to connect to wireless in Windows 7
How to connect to wireless using an iPhone
How to remove the Graphical Authentication login on your router
How to change router password
How to configure Parental Controls on your router
How to configure IP reservation on your router
How to change your routers IP address
How to open a range of ports on your router
How to open a single port on your router
How to disable UPnP on your router
Jak změnit/obnovit Vaše zapomenuté heslo bezdrátové sítě?
Jak nakonfigurovat nastavení bezdrátové sítě na Vašem zařízení?
Jak resetovat router?
Jak upgradovat firmware na Vašem routeru?

Downloads can vary across product revisions. Please select the correct hardware revision.