How do I change the administrator password on my router?

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Step 1: Make sure your computer or mobile device is connected to the DIR-505 by Wi-Fi. Open your web browser and enter http://dlinkrouter or http://dlinkrouter.local into the address bar.

Step 2: At the login page, enter the Admin password. If you have not changed the administrator password from the default, leave the field blank. Click Log In.

Step 3: Move the cursor to the Management tab at the top of the page and then click Admin from the menu on the left-hand side.

D:\07869\Documents\Work\FAQ\DIR-505L FAQ\Screenshot - 2012_04_19 , 5_29_18 PM 0012.png

Step 4: To change the administrator password, enter a new password in the Admin Password section. Check the Enable Graphical Authentication box to enable CAPTCHA graphical authentication, which provides a challenge-response test for users accessing the Administrator account.

D:\07869\Documents\Work\FAQ\DIR-505L FAQ\Screenshot - 2012_04_19 , 5_29_18 PM 0011.png

Click Save Settings to save your current configuration.

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