How do I perform a Firmware Recovery for my DWL-3600AP?
Requirements: Refresh Files:
– Console cable refresh_files(1224102018).7z
– PuTTy
– Tftp Server
Step 1 – Insert one end of a RJ45 cable into the LAN(PoE) port of the DWL-3600 and connect to your PC
Step 2 – Configure your LAN card as follows:
IP address:
Subnet Mask:
Default gateway: (APs default bootloader IP)
Step 3 – Download PuTTy software from the following link:
Download the putty.exe
Step 4 – Download a tftp server (you could use the following link):
(Install the Standard edition (installer) 32bit or 64bit depending on your OS)
Step 5 – Insert the console cable into related port on the DWL-3600AP then install PuTTY and configure as follows:
Serial line to connect to: COM3 (The above will be present in device manager)
Speed (Baud rate): 115200
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
Parity: None
Flow Control: None
Step 6 – Install tftp Server then configure as follows:
Current Directory: C:\Program Files\Tftpd64
Server interfaces: (IP from Step 2)
Step 7 – Unzip the .7z folder and transfer ALL files to the root directory of the tfp server (C:\Program Files\Tftpd64)
Step 8 – Click on “Open” on PuTTY to start the connection via console
Step 9 – Hit enter key and you should be presented with the Login screen
DLINK-WAN-AP login: admin {Enter}
Password: admin
Step 10 – Type the following command
Step 11 – Once rebooting wait until for “Press Ctrl+C for CFE boot loader menu.”
If you have done this in time, you should expect to see the following screen. If not wait for next login then execute the command: reboot
Step 12 – Enter the following commands (copy and paste):
CFE> flash -noheader flash0.kernel1
CFE> flash -noheader flash0.jffs2
CFE> flash –no header flash0.cramfs1
CFE> reboot
Step 13 – Once a complete reboot has finalised, you should download the latest firmware and upgrade (twice) to ensure both images are flashed.
Step 14 – Factory reset the AP by pressing and holding reset button for 10 seconds
Please note once reset the default IP will be: and you will need to adjust your LAN setting on the PC connected to be on the same subnet.
*If the tftp server gives a failure message, please turn off the firewall and /or any antivirus program that may block its correct functionality