How do I Create Users, Groups and Share Folders in DNS-320L?

Create Users, Groups and Folder Sharing in DNS-320L

1. Enter the NAS web configuration
2. To Create Network Shares:

• Click on “Network Shares” and then click “New”
• On “Welcome to Network Shares Setup Wizard”, click “Next”
• Here you can select the Volume_x or click on top of Volume_x, click on “New”
• Enter a name for the folder and click accept
• Click inside the box next to the folder you created, then click “Next”
• Select “All Accounts” or Specified User/ Groups
• Assign access rights
• Select “Map Archive” and “Recycle”, then click “Next”
• Select the “Access Modes”, then click “Next”
• Select the FTP Settings, then click “Next”
• Type “*” for “Host” and click inside box for “Write”, then click “Next”
• Select the WebDAV settings and then click “Next”, then “Finish”

3. To Create Users – User Settings:
• Click on “Users / Groups”, and then click “New”
• On “Welcome to the User Setup Wizard”, click “Next”
• Here you can either create; A Single User or Multiple Users, then click “Next”
• Enter details of User and Password, then click on “Next”
• If no groups have been made, you will be presented with “No Group(s) have been added to this NAS”, click on “Next”
• Select the “Network Share Settings” for the Share Name, then click “Next”
• Select the Privileges, then click “Next”
• Select the WebDAV settings, then click “Next”
• Select the Quota Settings (0 value in unlimited), then click on “Next” then “Finish”

4. To Create Groups – Group Settings:
• Click on “Users / Groups”, and then click “New”
• On “Welcome to the Group Setup Wizard”, click “Next”
• Enter a Group Name”, then click “Next”
• Select the User you wish to join to then Group, then click “Next”
• Select the Network Share Settings, then click “Next”
• Assign the Privileges, then click “Next”
• Select the WebDAV settings, then click “Next”
• Select the Quota Settings (0 value in unlimited), then click on “Next”, then “Finish”

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